File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 30

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
291 11-11-1993 128 Kb. 9
Flush away your unused files. Toilet icon to
replace shredder and flushing sound WAV file
to accompany. 
292 fngarden.fz2 30-08-1996 8 Kb. 89
This is a pre-registered library of the Walnut
Creek Font Garden 500 Font CDROM for use with
FontFolder (1.2 or later). File is a ZIP file.
Download and unzip in to your FontFolder data
files directory. 
293 31-12-1994 53 Kb. 10
FontFolder Pre-registered libraries for popular
font CDROMs. 
294 21-07-1996 388 Kb. 7
FontFolder v2.1 - ATM Font Manager: Organize
ATM fonts without having to install them in
OS/2. Install and remove fonts with simple point
and click operations. 
295 23-02-1997 553 Kb. 8
FontFolder V3.0A - OS/2 Font Manager. Organize
your OS/2 fonts. Install and remove OS/2 Type
1 and TrueType fonts with simple point and click
operations. Use fonts directly from a CDROM.
FontPacks can be installed and removed as a
296 14-12-1996 535 Kb. 10
FontFolder 3.0 Beta. OS/2 Font Manager. FontPack
s, font browser, printing, uses fonts directly
from CDROM. 3.0 Beta adds TrueType support for
Warp 4, drag and drop font operations, font
specifications window. Expires 3/1/97. 
297 16-07-1996 70 Kb. 8
FontFolder Pre-registered libraries for popular
font CDROMs. 
298 09-01-1996 9 Kb. 9
FontFolder Pre-reg Lib for StarOffice CDROM.
Use with FontFolder version 1.2 or later. Unzip
in to the FontFolder directory and Import the
FX2 file using Library/Import library/FX2 format
299 26-04-1989 10 Kb. 9
Display info on FONTLIST for PM.W/C src 
300 29-06-1995 14 Kb. 10
PM Font Viewer V1.1 95/06/29. Will display any
font available to OS/2. Specify font on command
line or as parameter. Font dialog allows any
OS/2 font to be selected. Point sizes from 2
to 72. Enter sample text for viewing. Requires

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