File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 17

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
161 15-09-2000 166 Kb. 10
( Config.sys Data Base Manager,
can auto-generate config.sys files from a Data
Base which can be either imported or created
by hand.  
162 27-07-1989 21 Kb. 10
Ray Duncan's OS/2 CONFIG.SYS editor. 
163 11-06-1995 87 Kb. 10
Easy to use CONFIG.SYS editor (early beta). 
164 31-10-1992 116 Kb. 10
Connection Manager, PM Lan viewer/utility pkg.
Graphically displays available network resources
in a PM window. 
165 11-02-2001 95 Kb. 12
CONMAN is the OS/2 Connection Manager v2.0 that
utilizes the OS/2 LAN requestor (Feb. '96) 
166 25-10-1994 86 Kb. 11
Conversion program for WPC 1.55 to Works. Design
ed to convert WPC 1.55 data to v1.65/2.00. Since
the IBM Works of IBM Warp V3 also uses the same
data base format as WPC 1.65/2.0, it can also
be used for converting WPC 1.55 to IBM Works. 
167 19-11-1990 27 Kb. 11
One-pass diskcopy; not limited to OS/2 format. 
168 07-12-1994 4 Kb. 10
Corel 2.5 CDROM PreReg Font Lib - FontFolder
(1.2 or later). ZIP file. Download & unzip into
FontFolder data files directory. COREL25.FX2
file can be Imported in to FontFolder. Read
COREL25.TXT file after unzipping for notes on
169 06-07-1991 9 Kb. 9
Real-time CPU load graph for OS/2 PM (Freeware).
Contains a graph of CPU activity as well as
the average level of CPU activity (over the
last 10 seconds) in the title bar. Verified
under OS2/1.1 and 1.3. 
170 04-06-1991 18 Kb. 11
CPU Meter from MS Sample (Source incl.) CPU
Meter, shown as icon. source included shows
how to update icon. 

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