File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 15

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
141 22-03-1996 32 Kb. 10
Config.Sys cleaner 
142 10-11-1992 4 Kb. 12
Compress (clean) OS2's INI files utility Uses
REXX to copy OS2.INI, OS2SYS.INI, and all other
OS/2-based INIs. 
143 16-07-2002 114 Kb. 13
Presentation Manager interface to Carsten Arnold
's cleanini.exe program, using REXX and PMREXX. 
144 26-01-2002 42 Kb. 10
A CMD to EXE converter v1.4; sample: cmd2exe
test.cmd creates test.exe 
145 15-04-1996 5 Kb. 12
CMD boot...optionally start CMD before workplace
146 04-09-1992 17 Kb. 10
INF file for CommandLine 2.0, a commercial hotke
y application launcher and command prompt with
inline filename completion and file find, REXX
expressions, instant WPS object creation, aliasi
ng and more. 
147 20-01-1993 21 Kb. 10
This is a replacement driver for the CDD.SYS
driver. When you boot up you will see the prompt
- Press ESC for command prompt... If you press
the ESC key, you will get a command prompt that
should allow you to modify your system. 
148 31-01-1994 6 Kb. 12
CMDSHELL 1.0  Set your command line based applic
ations up to prompt you for paramaters before
executing under PM.  A MUST!!  
149 29-01-1993 17 Kb. 11
CMDLINE.SYS - a CDD replacement. This is a small
but useful DD that allows one to escape to an
OS/2 full screen prompt during boot time. Source
150 02-02-1996 517 Kb. 8
CNINFO. This program will help analyize your
OS/2 config.sys and explain some of the commands

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