File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
11 06-03-1994 13 Kb. 10
Os/2 utility converts AIFF (Mac audio) files
to WAVE. Version 1.1  
12 05-03-2001 612 Kb. 8
A collection of 38 UNIX-like commands as part
of the EWS library (1995). 
13 11-05-1992 3 Kb. 9
Command line program to move LAN Server aliases
between servers within a domain. 
14 03-08-1988 40 Kb. 8
OS/2 command line editor for full-screen session
s, like CED under DOS 
15 11-03-1993 5 Kb. 9
V.3.02. AllInfs will create/update the (All
IPFs) folder on your desktop and will place
the objects for all your .INF files on your
all or selected drives. The commonly used .INFs
will have the correct names assigned. 
16 17-06-1989 25 Kb. 9
Analyzer/disk utility 
17 13-01-1990 15 Kb. 9
Improved file finder 
18 24-03-1993 71 Kb. 11
Determine .EXE file type (OS/2, Windows, etc.). 
19 01-11-1996 26 Kb. 7
AppWait allows applications stored on a network
drive to be placed in the OS/2 startup folder.
Until the executable and working directory are
available, AppWait presents a dialog that displa
ys, "Waiting for X:". 
20 07-04-2002 39 Kb. 10
ApSched v1.03 - A simple scheduler for execution
of commands and batch files of configured events
(Jan. 17th 1998) 

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