File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 10

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
91 29-10-1995 84 Kb. 13
What's In a Bitmap? 95/10/29. Sample source
code & executable for article "What's In a Bitma
p", that appears in the Nov/Dec 95 issue of
OS/2 Developer. README.NOW, for some important
updates concerning the article. 
92 bmp2.txt 10-12-1995 1 Kb. 114
93 05-12-1995 73 Kb. 14
A ROP in the Park 95/12/05. Self extracting
zip file that contains the sample source and
driver for the article, "A ROP in the Park",
which appears in the January '96 issue of OS/2
94 bmp3.txt 07-02-1996 1 Kb. 97
A Lesson in Iconography. Text file that describe
s the contents of bmp3.exe that is the sample
for the article, "A Lesson in Iconography",
which appears in the Feb '96 issue of OS/2 Magaz
95 02-01-1996 71 Kb. 14
A Lesson in Iconography. Contains the source
and executable for the sample described in the
article, "A Lesson in Iconography", which appear
s in the Feb '96 issue of OS/2 Magazine. 
96 bmp4.txt 25-02-1996 1 Kb. 101
"A Pointer of Contention" (see BMP4.ZIP). 
97 28-01-1996 70 Kb. 13
Source from OS/2 Mag article (see BMP4.TXT). 
98 25-06-1993 21 Kb. 13
IBM EWS BIN2SRC utilities convert binary data
files to equivalent high level structures that
can be included directly into source code for
C, MASM, or the RC compiler. 
99 12-11-1994 125 Kb. 13
BookMaker 2.0 an IPF authoring tool. Adds a
more graphical interface, indexing and spec.
chars.  Requires VROBJ.DLL   
100 03-03-1993 2 Kb. 12
This is the original 16 bit code for rebooting
OS/2. Posted at the request of several users.
Both source and executable are included in the
zip file. 

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