File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 8

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
71 07-04-2002 349 Kb. 12
The BCC v4.1 C++ Compiler(Nov., 10th 1994) 
72 05-10-1995 56 Kb. 12
Binary Coded Decimal Class 95/10/05. PM Calculat
or to demo & test functions. Addition, Subtracti
on, Multiplication & Division, Logical Operation
s, Shift Left & Shift Right are supported. Const
ructors convert from Double, Long & String types
73 18-12-1996 202 Kb. 13
Super C(++) beautifier program.  Supports all
popular indenting styles. 
74 09-12-1990 80 Kb. 12
PD Benchmark prog. with complete Source for
OS/2. All source included. Mostly documented
now. I hope you like it. 
75 01-06-1990 105 Kb. 14
PC Mags graphics benchmarks for OS/2 and Windows
.  Version 1.1, June 1990. 
76 02-10-1989 2 Kb. 13
Bezier spline demo program. Simple Charles Petzo
ld PM program demonstrating the GPI's built-in
Bezier curve capabilities.  Versions 1.1, 1.2;
includes C source. 
77 11-11-1993 75 Kb. 13
BGI graphics emulator for OS/2. C/C++ library
to emulate Borland BGI graphics calls in an
OS/2 Presentation Manager program. Requires
BCOS2 and graphics.h from a Borland DOS compiler
. Early Beta version. 
78 27-03-1989 11 Kb. 12
5 BIGJOB programs from Petzold's book. C source
code only for the five BIGJOBx programs. From
Programming the OS/2 Presentation Manager by
Charles Petzold. 
79 26-10-1994 39 Kb. 12
Binary to C/C++ converter. It is a very simple
program which simply takes ANY type of file
(especially binary or image files) and converts
it into a list of numbers for linking into your
80 16-04-2002 483 Kb. 13
BindTools v1.1.3 beta as a replacement for SQLPR
ED to bind *.BND files(Mar., 20th 2002) 

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