File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 29

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
281 16-12-1993 2050 Kb. 10
Distributed Application/2 (DA/2), Demonstration
Version.  DA/2 is  a set of APIs that provide
a consistent way to access network  communicatio
n functions under OS/2, making client/server
apps  easy to create. 
282 02-05-2003 175 Kb. 10
The DASD32 update for the Developer Device Drive
r Kit(DDK) - Aug 23 2002 
283 21-03-2003 1034 Kb. 10
The DASD update for the Developer Device Driver
Kit(DDK) - Jan 31 2003 
284 11-10-1995 33 Kb. 9
Database Access Tools 95/10/11. Description
of database access tools: SQL Objects A True
Database Class Library (cross platform developme
nt). SQL OLE-For VB development & ODBC Objects.
Hit any database we don't have native drivers
285 20-05-2002 34242 Kb. 12
/bt The DataAtlas v2.5 Evaluation Copy (Sep.
286 daxinst1.img 03-02-1996 1440 Kb. 77
IBM Warp Developer API Extensions for OS/2 v1.0.
Provides a subset of the WIN32 APIs on OS/2
for source code compatibility, enabling the
migration of Windows 95 and Windows NT apps
to OS/2. Fixpak XR_W017 (or later) required.
287 daxinst2.img 03-02-1996 1440 Kb. 72
IBM Warp Developer API Extensions for OS/2 v1.0.
Provides a subset of the WIN32 APIs on OS/2
for source code compatibility, enabling the
migration of Windows 95 and Windows NT apps
to OS/2. Fixpak XR_W017 (or later) required.
288 31-07-1989 32 Kb. 9
Allows use of "day-of-week" window class. Source
, DLL, and test programs containing and showing
a "day-of-the-week" window class for dialogs
or client windows. 
289 17-09-2002 30 Kb. 10
The DB2 CLI Interface(SQL) header files(Aug
5 2002) 
290 01-05-1990 10 Kb. 8
DBase III calls using OS/2 API.  A copy of the
RDDBASE.ZIP file floating around the BBS's.
 All memory and I/O calls changed from plain
vanilla C to OS2 API.  Program does a simple
file browse. 

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