File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 25

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
241 21-05-2002 8921 Kb. 10
CSet/2 v2.1 - A development platform for C/C++
Volume 5 
242 21-05-2002 5230 Kb. 11
CSet/2 v2.1 - A development platform for C/C++
Volume 6 
243 28-07-2002 87 Kb. 10
Compiler Shell v6.9: A driver program or Shell
for MS Macro Assembler(5+6), C compiler(5+6),
386 C Compiler(4.0), FORTRAN Compiler(4.0) and
244 16-09-1996 136 Kb. 11
myNstall V1.04Beta Small PM Installer. Small
universal installation PM-application. myNstall
 can be used for: Installing from one directory
to another, Update of the  existing product,
Recreating WPS object for a previously installed
245 21-01-1997 1032 Kb. 10
A C++ database library for C++ developers using
the Borland, Watcom or Microsoft compilers.
MS-DOS as well as Windows, NT and OS/2 applicati
ons are supported. 
246 12-05-1994 161 Kb. 9
A notebook control with MAJOR and MINOR tabs,
back page left and major tab 
247 11-03-2000 2822 Kb. 11
Uses the C syntax and seems familiar to C, C++
or Java programmers. CSS comes with ready to
use libraries not only for system-, string-,
regular expression and filehandling, but also
for direct access to major databases IBM DB2
and ORACLE. 
248 08-08-1989 7 Kb. 11
Popular C-tags program for OS/2. 
249 14-08-1996 35 Kb. 11
C++ Class tree browsing utility. 
250 07-09-2002 249 Kb. 10
Source for (1) a container class in Borland
OS2 - OWL,(2)rights for supervisor in NetWare
3.x, (3) serial/parallel switcher for centronics
interface printer and more(1995) 

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