File index of OS2SWBBS: OS/2 Tips & Techniques page 3

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
21 2ipe.fax 19-02-1995 2 Kb. 96
IPE Error Message in OS/2 2.X, Warp 94/10/19.
What To Do When You Receive an IPE or Internal
Processing Error. 
22 2lock.fax 30-11-1994 3 Kb. 123
LOCKUP problems & solutions - (1) Forgot your
OS/2 Lockup password, (2) your password is not
recognized, or (3) unable to exit from lockup
or are in a loop. 94/05/18. 
23 2makin.fax 19-02-1995 31 Kb. 176
Makeini to Restore/Backup Desktop 94/10/19.
Instructions for arranging icons on desktop,
special considerations prior to MAKEINI, ways
to recover INI files, backing up, restoring,
& replacing desktop, rebuilding existing desktop
, & much more. 
24 2print.fax 19-02-1995 8 Kb. 149
Printing problems and solutions 94/11/02. Descri
bes how to fix the following: (1) Error Message:
OFF LINE (3) Error Message: SYS004. 
25 2read.fax 04-12-1994 4 Kb. 159
OS/2 2.11 ServicePak - two README files that
are located on Diskette #1 of the Special Editio
n OS/2 2.11 ServicePak for Windows. 94/05/12. 
26 2req.fax 19-02-1995 3 Kb. 133
System Reqs./Recommendations for OS/2 2.X 94/10/
19. README.INS file on Diskette 3 provides addit
ional info. README.INS can be viewed & printed
from editor in DOS, OS/2, or another operating
system. Preview files before installation. 
27 2s3drv.fax 19-02-1995 15 Kb. 187
S-3 Display Device Driver Information 94/10/19.
S3 Device Driver Driver Information. 
28 2smp.fax 19-02-1995 2 Kb. 139
Revised OS/2 for SMP Support Procedures 94/10/19
. Support for OS/2 SMP is expanded to included
all hardware claiming to be MPS 1.1 or Intel
1.1 compliant. 
29 2trap.fax 19-02-1995 1 Kb. 112
Trap w/o entire trap error registers 94/10/19.
Receiving a trap error without the trap register
information on their screen. 
30 2unpac.fax 19-02-1995 3 Kb. 188
Using the UNPACK command 94/10/19. Describes
how to use the UNPACK command if you either
must upload a file to your hard drive or get
a message that a file is missing. 

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