File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - General Info page 18

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
171 29-10-1993 1 Kb. 7
How to copy OS/2 and applications from one compu
ter to another using LinkRight 
172 crash.doc 26-10-1995 21 Kb. 38
One man's log of difficulties in using earlier
sub-versions of AmiPro for OS/2.  
173 cringely.txt 04-03-1995 0 Kb. 65
IBM's response to INFO World article.  
174 csedit.txt 14-12-1993 1 Kb. 85
A one page description of CS-Edit/2, the intelli
gent CONFIG.SYS editor for OS/2 2.x. Includes
a description of the product, and details of
how to order in the US, Europe and Australia. 
175 10-09-1993 3965 Kb. 7
Since many users were experiencing problems
printing the PS documentation supplied on the
C-Set++ CD-ROM. This ZIP file contains the refor
matted versions of the postscript documentation
for C-Set++. 
176 07-01-1995 5 Kb. 8
COMscope and COMi information text. Contains
detailed descriptions for the COMscope communica
tions monitor and control PM app, and the COMi
multi-port async serial device driver. 
177 06-05-1999 138 Kb. 8
WDG's Guide to Cascading Style Sheets in .INF
178 06-07-1995 6 Kb. 7
A list of currency "end-of-support" dates on
IBM Personal Systems software products. Info
from Announcement Letters on IBM's HONE system.
 Products listed in two formats  (1) Chronologic
ally by end-date; (2) Alphabetically by product
179 02-03-1994 67 Kb. 7
Updated DA/2 information package now has full
description in ascii. 
180 02-07-2002 815 Kb. 7
DatagLANce User's Guide 

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