File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - General Info page 15

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
141 23-02-1992 5 Kb. 7
OS/2 2.0 and Novell coexistence. Describes the
changes necessary to allow OS/2 2.0 Lan Requeste
r, and Extended Services to coexist with the
Novell NetWare Requester. Changes are made to
the Net.CFG, Config.sys, and protocol.ini files. 
142 cognit.txt 17-01-1994 1 Kb. 108
Matrix Cognition Up-Date. Matrix Cognition,
a new type of OS/2 Decision-Support System for
business, organizational, technical and personal
decisions, is  reviewed and up-dated. 
143 23-10-1992 70 Kb. 7
ColoradOS/2 Information (IPF format). This .INF
file, suitable for use with VIEW.EXE, contains
 information about the First International Color
ado OS/2  Developers Conference (ColoradOS/2). 
144 17-12-1992 78 Kb. 7
Details about the first ColoradOS/2! developers
conference held in Colorado Springs, Colorado,
in January, 1993. The full text is in an encapsu
lated PostScript file and in a standard ASCII
text file. 
145 13-07-1993 93 Kb. 7
Full conference brochure for the second annual
ColoradOS/2 developers conference: Oct 31 -
Nov 5, 1993.  Includes text and postscript files
.  This was a superb event last January and
promises to be THE OS/2 developer event for
146 01-08-1994 354 Kb. 7
Third International ColoradOS/2 Developers Confe
rence Details. Held October 30 through November
4, 1994. Contains a PostScript file; an ASCII
text file; and and a file in Adobe's PDF format. 
147 16-11-1995 313 Kb. 7
ColoradOS/2 1995 Brochure as .INF File, 10/01/95
. Text of the 1995 ColoradOS/2 programming confe
rence brochure, in the form of a .INF file.
To view this file, open an OS/2 window, attach
to dir where the file is located, & type "view
148 28-10-1994 63 Kb. 7
Schedule for the Third International ColoradOS/2
Developers Conference, to be held October 31
 through November 4, 1994, in Colorado Springs,
Colorado.  This  file contains a PostScript
149 comdex.rpt 22-11-1994 6 Kb. 122
First person report from Fall 94 Comdex in text
file.  Includes report on WARP party. 
150 17-12-1994 2 Kb. 7
COMI async device driver information. This is
a zipped text file that gives detailed descripti
ons of the features of the COMi asynchronous
serial device driver. 

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