File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - General Info page 13

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
121 chipup.txt 28-01-1995 0 Kb. 89
CT655XX SVGA Update. Updated information on
how to get SVGA OS/2 drivers for C&T chipsets. 
122 ci$ 05-08-1991 13 Kb. 16
CI$ OS/2 conference with the Blue Ninja. NOTE:
Captured from the IBM National Support BBS. 
123 27-08-1993 5 Kb. 10
IBM and ISV CID Enabled apps, 7/30/93. This
is the July 23, 1993 listing of IBM and Independ
ent Software Vendor (ISV) applications which
are currently, or planned to be, CID enabled. 
124 12-12-1993 41 Kb. 8
CID Product Enablement Guidelines. This document
details IBM's guidelines for enabling products
for CID, including performance considerations.
It is an ASCII file - CIDGUIDE.ASC. 
125 27-04-1994 484 Kb. 9
Article on OS/2 in "Computers in Physics". (Marc
h/April 94)  Includes Postscript files, GIF
files and a DVI file. 
126 18-02-1993 2 Kb. 7
Information on 122 key-keyboard support of Commu
nications Manager 
127 16-09-1997 822 Kb. 10
Communications Manager APARs in INF Format,
V1.43. Unzip the file and then type VIEW CMAPR1.
INF to see the file. Or you may download OSAPAR.
ZIP and use OS2APARS.CMD. 
128 27-08-1993 3 Kb. 10
This file contains questions and answers regardi
ng the withdrawal of the Communications Manager
Client Server/2 product. 
129 08-02-1994 7 Kb. 9
List of CIS commands from Practice Forum. This
file is a copy of the one from the CIS Practice
Forum library. It contains a list of CIS command
s with explanations and examples. Zipped with
Zip Control and Zip201 (shareware os/2 zip.) 
130 cmdpart.txt 21-04-1997 10 Kb. 86
Command Line Maintenance Partition. List of
necessary files to create a small bootable parti
tion with only an OS2 command line interface.
The partition can be used from the boot manager
instead of booting from floppy diskettes. 

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