File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - General Info page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
11 25-07-1994 2 Kb. 12
New programming APIs introduceed with OS/2 2.1 
12 28-08-1993 17 Kb. 9
OS/2 2.1 Performance Improvements made for the
2.1 release and functional changes that affect
performance. This document covers many of the
changes, but not all the changes and improvement
s that went into OS/2 2.1. 
13 25-08-1993 97 Kb. 9
IBM White Paper in .INF format, all about perfor
mance improvements in 2.1, and how to tune your
system for best results.  
14 16-09-1997 1368 Kb. 9
OS/2 Warp 3.0 APARs in INF Format V1.43 - #1
of 3. Unzip the file and then type VIEW 30APR1.I
NF to see the file. Or you may download OSAPAR.Z
IP and use OS2APARS.CMD. 
15 16-09-1997 1370 Kb. 9
OS/2 Warp 3.0 APARs in INF Format V1.43 - #2
of 3. Unzip the file and then type VIEW 30APR2.I
NF to see the file. Or you may download OSAPAR.Z
IP and use OS2APARS.CMD. 
16 16-09-1997 612 Kb. 10
OS/2 Warp 3.0 APARs in INF Format V1.43 - #3
of 3. Unzip the file and then type VIEW 30APR3.I
NF to see the file. Or you may download OSAPAR.Z
IP and use OS2APARS.CMD. 
17 32bitapp.txt 02-12-1992 37 Kb. 88
A list of 32-bit applications for OS/2 2.0. 
18 16-09-1997 295 Kb. 9
OS/2 WARP 4 APARs in INF Format V1.43. Unzip
the file and then type VIEW 40APR1.INF to see
the file. Or you may download OSAPAR.ZIP and
19 5250adap.txt 28-10-1993 6 Kb. 121
5250 Workstation Adapter/A p#64G3494. Instructio
ns for installing with PC Support/400 and Comms
Mgr (CM/2 and ES V1.0). INRE errors ACS1051,
ACS1052, SYS1201. 
20 13-05-1995 149 Kb. 9
IBM OS/2 Support Center information on AVAILABLE
support Programs in INF format. Updated for
latest programs available. 

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