File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools page 10

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
91 05-09-1998 32 Kb. 7
Install warp 4.0 fixpak #8 from hard drive (easy
92 06-10-1997 347 Kb. 9
The FreeType engine is a free and portable TrueT
ype font rendering engine. 
93 25-02-1996 466 Kb. 9
GroupStart 2.0 - Powerful pgm launcher. Launches
any number of apps simultaneously with a single
button click. Puts icons of individual app group
s on desktop. Switch between pgms with a fully
revamped task switcher. 
94 21-03-2003 4 Kb. 10
HCIMONIT.EXE - The PCI USB Host Controller Monit
or Program(Jan 28 2002) 
95 29-07-2002 1301 Kb. 9
The Hamilton C Shell Language Reference with
demo (Oct 29 2001) 
96 09-01-1996 25 Kb. 10
Simple PM menu shell for OS/2. 
97 19-02-1996 145 Kb. 10
KB HOOK Macro Recorder. Open/Switch to Progs.
Paste Text. Schedule HotKeys. Assigns Multiple
HotKeys to one HotKey. Replaces HOOK43.ZIP. 
98 27-02-1997 6 Kb. 10
Small program that reboots your Warp 3.0 or
4.0 machine. Does not require fixpacks, and
performs a hard reset (No buffers flushed). 
99 10-06-1998 817 Kb. 10
Homerun is a flexible scheduling program that
allows set up of start-ups and/or kills on virtu
ally any time schedule in OS2, Dos and WinOS2
programs in a window, fullscreen or PM. Homerun
includes a day-timer diary and a 50 year calenda
100 30-12-1993 234 Kb. 9
OS2 version of ICF (Inventory Capture Facility).
Identifies installed SW and HW on PC's, all
status info incl. memory, cpu, and even physical
items i.e. printers, modems. Data is displayed
on screen or saved to Dbase, Lotus or Ascii

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