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51 13-03-1999 60 Kb. 11
CPU Utility/2 v1.00. Freeware utility that allow
s you either to toggle processors on your OS/2
SMP workstation from Online to Offline (and
vice versa) or to display the relative CPU utili
zation for the busy, idle and interrupt states. 
52 18-09-1993 42 Kb. 11
Monitor the amount of disk space and CPU time
used. Can be configured to display things in
a number of different ways. Shows a number of
the statistics on any drive that is being monito
red. Also monitor floppy disks and network drive
53 17-05-1990 6 Kb. 9
OS/2 PM applications that monitors and displays
CPU usage patterns.  Works with OS/2 PM 1.1
and 1.2.  It is also user configurable. 
54 06-05-1999 118 Kb. 10  CPULoad, processor load
indicating utilities. 
55 15-05-1998 43 Kb. 10
CPU monitor 1.13 for Warp 4. For up to 16 CPUs.
Displays a graph of the activity of each CPU.
Customisable, resizeable. Uses very little CPU
time as it uses a new to Warp 4 API to gather
CPU usage stats. 
56 24-07-1994 127 Kb. 10
Demo of CPU Monitor Plus. Displays detailed
CPU, RAM, Disk and COM Port utilization data
in real-time, graphical displays. v2.31. 
57 29-06-1997 40 Kb. 11
CPU monitor for up to 16 processors 97/06/29.
Displays a graph of CPU usage for up to 16 proce
ssors. You can adjust the refresh interval,
graph, background and grid colours, average
usage display and more. 
58 14-10-1990 1 Kb. 11
IBM program to show amount of CPU left in a
floating color changing bar format. 
59 06-10-1996 277 Kb. 10
CPUMeter is an enhanced CPU-usage meter, similar
to "PULSE.EXE" or to the CPU monitor in WARP4's
60 21-10-1991 13 Kb. 8
Another CPU Meter (Gauge Style), sizeable, neat

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