File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools page 24

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
231 10-12-1997 177 Kb. 8
Rsched v.1.5.beta - start programs, kill tasks,
make polls, freqs, attaches in binkley-style
outbound, create / remove flags depending on
time etc. 
232 06-11-1999 196 Kb. 9
SysBar/2 v 0.17 - a toolbar-style utility set 
233 07-03-2000 122 Kb. 9
A utility that scans the PCI buses and lists
the devices attached to the system.  Print nicel
y formatted data about each device. 
234 07-12-1995 45 Kb. 7
Schedule-It! is a GUI program for OS/2 that
allows you to schedule different events to run
at various times on various days. 
235 16-03-2000 48 Kb. 7
This is a system scheduler similar to a cron
daemon.  The process is text-mode and can be
run detached.  A PM interface is used to add/edi
t entries.  This appears to be an old IBM EWS
but seems to have otherwise disappeared. 
236 28-02-1997 39 Kb. 10
Screen adjustion test pattern. 
237 14-03-1999 113 Kb. 10
ShutDown/2 v1.01 . Utility to attach an UPS
(Uninterruptable Power Supply) to your PC's
serial or parallel ports. 
238 14-05-2002 52 Kb. 8
A tool to connect the first CD-ROM drive to
a virtual drive 
239 25-04-1997 149 Kb. 7
Sentry v2.0 monitors running programs. If a
program ends Sentry will start a user specified
program. Freeware!  
240 29-04-1997 185 Kb. 8
Startup Folder Utils-Apps wait for network drive
s after boot. 

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