File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools page 16

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
151 05-04-1999 516 Kb. 11
( NICE/2 v0.05 Dynamically chang
e priority of many processes in OS/2. In process
, no current development. Source with experiment
al GUI based on the OS/2 Task List. 
152 05-04-1999 385 Kb. 9
( NICE/2 v0.06 Dynamically chang
e priority of many processes in OS/2. In process
, no current development. Source, with conventio
nal GUI. 
153 05-04-1999 213 Kb. 10
( NICE/2 v0.06 binaries. Dynamically
change priority of many processes in OS/2. In
process, no current development. Binaries, with
conventional GUI. 
154 05-04-1999 80 Kb. 10
( NICE/2 v0.06 Debug version.
Dynamically change priority of many processes
in OS/2. In process, no current development.
Debug version, with conventional GUI. 
155 04-08-1991 11 Kb. 10
Turn off any sounds left on by another program.
 Works for DOS and OS/2. 
156 26-06-1999 118 Kb. 11
NYAOS(Nihongo Yet Another Os/2 Shell) 1.49,
 Shell like YAOS and TCSH suppoting DBCS. 
157 19-06-1997 281 Kb. 9
Object Selector V  2.34. Ever wanted to know
how many programs are installed on your OS/2
Warp? ObjSel shows you all of them. Launch,
search and filter options. Shows settings of
Dos and Window programs too. 
158 22-08-1997 5838 Kb. 11
Demo version of Stardock's Object Desktop Profes
sional - only slightly limited. 
159 08-02-1996 116 Kb. 12
MVS-Like Operator Console SubSystem 96/01/26.
Allows one to see what jobs are running, what
resources are being used, when jobs start &
stop, what devices are online, cancel jobs etc. 
160 12-09-1996 91 Kb. 10
analyze memory usage of OS/2 2.x 

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