File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools page 12

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
111 09-11-1994 1665 Kb. 10
/t PM PS/2 configurator and pricer -- a nice
PM system for parting together and pricing IBM
systems.  (from IBM) part 6. 
112 06-12-1993 4569 Kb. 10
/t PM PS/2 configurator and pricer -- a nice
PM system for parting together and pricing IBM
systems.  (from IBM) part 7. 
113 22-06-1993 1184 Kb. 11
/t PM PS/2 configurator and pricer -- a nice
PM system for parting together and pricing IBM
systems.  (from IBM) part 9. 
114 31-12-1998 14 Kb. 10
IMPINI v1.30 Freeware commandline program to
copy INI file contents from one file to another,
delete certain INI entries or compare two INI
files and let IMPINI write the differences to
a third INI file.  
115 13-09-1995 70 Kb. 10
InfoPad v1.2, system info utility. 
116 28-09-2002 276 Kb. 10
INFORMER v3.41 - Detects 110 CPUs & 19 FPUs,
CPU Clock,  2638 Monitor Models, 324 Motherboard
s,  2538 PCI/AGP types L1/2/3 Cache, Chipset,
BIOS, PnP, Drives,  ATA/ATAPI-6 Info, Video,
 VESA, VESA/PM, Sound Cards and more 
117 16-02-2002 1035 Kb. 9
INIMAINT v3.3j - A manager for OS2.INI and OS2SY
S.INI as shareware - 1995 Successor is UNIMAINT.
118 23-09-1997 78 Kb. 9
INIfile ediTOR v2.5. Binary INI file editor
with features to edit, delete, add, copy and
save applications, keys and key data to the
system/user or other ini file. 
119 instcn16.cmd 15-11-1993 3 Kb. 67
ICPAUSA Software Installation 
120 instcn32.cmd 19-04-1994 4 Kb. 113
ICPAUSA Software Installation 

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