File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 100word.txt 17-10-1995 0 Kb. 97
CleverManage - OS/2 & Win Systems Mgt. product.
Manage, monitor & control OS/2 & Windows PCs.
Software distribution, license metering, invento
ry/asset management, remote configuration manage
ment, automated problem correction, & more! 
2 22-02-1994 1149 Kb. 12
General PS/2 information (need postscript printe
r). Part 5 of 5. (See readme.txt in PS2REF1.ZIP) 
3 19-09-1996 303 Kb. 12
Auto Launch V1.04. Prog Launch Scheduling system
for OS/2 Warp, maintains a database of Launch
requests.  Specify program, launch date/time,
parameters, rescheduling,  OS/2 Start command
and other options.  Drag & Drop. VRObj.DLL req'd
4 06-05-1998 88 Kb. 11
Power management utility for Warp 4. 
5 04-12-2001 18 Kb. 12
APM switch - turns APM on and off. APM.SYS must
be installed(Sept. 16th 2001) 
6 01-05-1996 82 Kb. 15
AppMan schedules specified programs at startup
and shutdown. 
7 05-12-1998 6 Kb. 12
ARCHIVE v98.339 Creates icons which turn OS/2's
archiving on & off. It allows you to click on
an icon to turn archiving on and automatically
turn it off again after the archive has taken
place on the following boot. 
8 30-04-1999 8 Kb. 12
ARCHIVE v99.062. Creates icons which turn OS/2's
archiving on & off. It allows you to click on
an icon to turn archiving on and automatically
turn it off again after the archive has taken
place on the following boot. 
9 04-11-1998 5 Kb. 12
Automates OS/2 Archiver (archive every 'x' days) 
10 20-12-1996 230 Kb. 12
IBM Consumer PC Assistant.  Part of PCASST.ZIP. 

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