File index of OS2SWBBS: Security Programs page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 06-12-1996 110 Kb. 11
Hercules, an encryption/decryption utility.
Data encryption (CBC-IDEA) + smart eraser. 
32 05-10-1996 120 Kb. 9
File encryption/decryption utility. 
33 21-11-1996 326 Kb. 11
PGP Front End with E-Mail Support. 
34 07-01-1998 130 Kb. 12
Single File Virus Check 1.0. PM-AddOn for IBM
AntiVirus. An easy-to-use tool to check single
files or whole directories. Drag&Drop-enabled.
Requires an installed version of IBM AntiVirus
for OS/2. 
35 10-06-2003 1488 Kb. 10
The F-PROT v3.12 DOS version of the anti-virus
package(Mar 19 2002) 
36 genwild.exe 16-07-1997 10 Kb. 17
Utility for Updating a Norton Anti-Virus Rescue.
Allows you to create a single "definitions"
disk for use when you cannot access the new
definitions on the hard drive. See GENWILD.TXT
for further details. 
37 genwild.txt 16-07-1997 5 Kb. 104
Creating Virus Definitions Disk (Norton Anti-Vir
us). How to use Norton AntiVirus Rescue Disk
2 to scan and repair using the new definitions
on the hard drive and how to use GENWILD.EXE
to create a single "definitions" disk. 
38 05-04-2002 81 Kb. 10
H4PGP v2.0 - A program for steganography for
BMP,WAV and VOC formats. 
39 31-07-1997 430 Kb. 10
Integrity Master v3.21a anti-virus and intergrit
y checking for DOS, OS/2, and Windows, checks
file changes, CMOS, and mem,  
40 29-09-1994 102 Kb. 10
IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm)
is a block cipher developed by Dr. Xuejia Lai
and Prof. Dr. J. L. Massey at the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology. Executable. Needs DLL's

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