File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 55

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
541 23-06-1997 199 Kb. 3
Rexx/SQL for Oracle v2.0. Rexx interface to
Oracle databases. OS/2 version, runs on OS/2
2.0+. Ports also available for Win95/NT, and
Unix and for other databases. Freeware. 
542 23-06-1997 192 Kb. 5
Rexx/SQL for Sybase SQL Anywhere v2.0. Rexx
interface to Sybase SQL Anywhere databases.
OS/2 version, runs on OS/2 2.0+ Ports also avail
able for Win95/NT and Unix and for other databas
es. Freeware. 
543 10-03-1996 152 Kb. 3
REXX/SQL provides interface for Rexx programs
to SQL databases via external functions. See
544 10-03-1996 24 Kb. 4
Sample programs for external functions provided
in RXSQMN13.ZIP, REXX/SQL interface. 
545 19-08-2000 33 Kb. 4
Alternate Rexx sockets API version 1.0. 
546 21-12-2000 31 Kb. 4
( RxSwitchQuery V1.00 - A
REXX extension DLL for querying the OS/2 system
547 rxt304.exe 08-09-1996 89 Kb. 12
TEMPLATE.CMD v3.04 is a skeleton for an OS/2
REXX program. It contains a complete runtime
system for REXX programs built with more than
20 routines which you can also use in other
REXX programs. 
548 26-03-1993 4 Kb. 4
REXX Commands create TCP/IP program objects.
Create a new folder on the desktop and populate
it with program references for common TCP/IP
549 08-01-1995 47 Kb. 4
Template v2.52 - REXX "runtime system" 95/01/08.
New: fixed some minor bugs, added the programs
MAKECMD.CMD & MAKESRC.CMD to update REXX program
s based on older versions of TEMPLATE.CMD. 
550 09-09-1994 63 Kb. 4
RexxPack compresses a Rexx command file by remov
ing extra spaces, comments, and line controls.
RexxComp generates an OS/2 exe program from
a Rexx command file. Note: This is a demo versio

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