File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 51

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
501 08-09-1993 2 Kb. 3
A REXX program to restrict access to OS/2. This
primitive login program will allow you to restri
ct access to your OS/2 machine - simply slip
it into your CONFIG.SYS, and you will be prompte
d for a password before the WPS is initialised. 
502 rxls01.cmd 03-10-1994 8 Kb. 38
This program is an example of a trap processing
routine utilizing REXXLIB (REXXLB.ZIP) from
Quercus Systems. This progam is intended as
an accompaniment to the REXX Column in the Novem
ber, 1994 issue of OS/2 magazine. 
503 28-10-1994 0 Kb. 2
A working example using the associative array
capabilities of REXX. Compares two directories
and displays the names of the non-matching entri
es. Intended as an accompaniment to the REXX
Column in the December, 1994 issue of OS/2 Magaz
504 rxls03.cmd 01-01-1995 5 Kb. 69
Jan 95 REXX Column - 9501LS02.CMD File. Working
example of using REXX data queues for inter-proc
ess communication. Intended as an accompaniment
to the REXX Column in the January, 1995 issue
of OS/2 Magazine. 
505 rxls04.cmd 14-01-1995 1 Kb. 68
Mar 95 REXX Column - 9503LS02.CMD File. Working
example of using REXX to list CONFIG.SYS on
LPT1 & to tally its line count. Intended as
an accompaniment to the REXX Column in the March
, '95 issue of OS/2 Magazine. 
506 rxls05.cmd 28-03-1995 6 Kb. 55
Build your own LaunchPad REXX program. This
file contains the program which appeard in my
June, 1995 column about building your own Launch
507 19-10-1992 31 Kb. 4
IBM OS2EWS util to add Math functions to REXX.
The following functions are provided: cos(x),
sin(x), tan(x), acos(x), asin(x), atan(x), cosh(
x), sinh(x), tanh(x), ceil(x), floor(x), exp(x),
log(x), log10(x), sqrt(x), pow(x,y), pi(), e(). 
508 16-10-1994 52 Kb. 5
RXMP V1.4 Multiprocessing samples. REXX programs
for multiple-task programs. Uses stock REXX
services plus PMSW2 function from author (includ
ed). Utility programs FindDir, FindFile, InPATH. 
509 25-11-1996 41 Kb. 4
RxMulch is a simple REXX-program which allows
for counting the occurrences of a string in
a file and for replacing strings in a file. 
510 15-10-1993 26 Kb. 4
Lan Server APIs from REXX. Another implementatio
n of the Lan Server APIs being made available
to REXX programmers. Supports most APIs using
C like interface. Great for prototyping. Include
s examples. Freeware. 

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