File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 49

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
481 24-07-1999 159 Kb. 4
RXGDUTIL 1.01 REXX extension to build GIF files. 
482 11-12-2000 127 Kb. 2
RXGDUTIL.DLL v1.6 - A collection of REXX functio
ns to create PNG files. 
483 12-06-2003 2 Kb. 2
A REXX routine RXGETURL v0.2 : get http document
(result incl. http headers to stdout)- use "Conn
ection: Close" header, avoid chunked data by
specifying HTTP/1.0 instead of 1.1(Apr 9 2002) 
484 11-05-1999 24 Kb. 4
GPIB (IEEE488) control with REXX ver 1.0. 
485 13-03-1993 14 Kb. 5
ASCII to EBCDIC / EBCDIC to ASCII conversion
in OS/2 REXX. 
486 28-02-2000 130 Kb. 4
OS/2 REXX callable procedures to GZIP strings
and files. 
487 03-03-1994 42 Kb. 3
Sample source code for various REXX routines
including  HLLAPI calls, DB2/2 access. 
488 30-08-2002 261 Kb. 4
The REXX/IMC v1.75 beta - Now with QUERY command
s and SAA API from OS/2. Source only as C progra
ms(Nov 1 2000) 
489 09-10-1992 83 Kb. 4
REXX Information File. Text file containing
all of the REXX Information that is avaiable
in the online REXX Information file. Section
numbers and section dividing lines have been
added to make it easier to find the subject
of interest. 
490 15-10-1993 12 Kb. 4
Rexx functions for access to Text INI Files.
A DLL that allows rexx programs to manipulate
data in text based ini files like WIN.INI. Freew

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