File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 43

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
421 30-08-2002 331 Kb. 7
The REXX/Tk Library v1.2 (in C source) as a
REXX interface to TcL/Tk Gui v8.0+. EMX runtime
0.9d+ is required(Jul 22 2001) 
422 09-09-1994 63 Kb. 7
Rexx Tools for OS/2: Demo versions of developmen
t tools for Rexx. Speeds loading and execution
of REXX programs. 
423 04-04-1996 185 Kb. 7
Extra Functions for REXX and VisPro/REXX!  Sort
stems, copy stems, global variables, read and
write stems  from/to files, query drives, check
the task list and more. 
424 20-11-1993 46 Kb. 7
Good REXX documentation. Incl: REXX.TXT: Very
thorough docs derived from UNIX IMC, much better
than OS/2's online help; SYSUTILS.TXT: This
is some documentation about OS/2 specific REXX
extensions; and REXX.FAQ. 
425 04-08-2002 106 Kb. 7
An update of classic REXX with 12 new functions.
REXXUTIL.DLL and REXXCRT.DLL included (Nov 24
426 11-07-1993 27 Kb. 7
REXXUTIL Information and Samples Rexxutil how
to info on shadows, folders, ini Compiled by
Mike Lamb from IBM Kingston. 
427 13-05-1997 60 Kb. 6
UU/XX/Base64 encoders and decoders for OS/2.
Including REXX extension DLL and commands. Freew
are including source. Needs PLI12RTL.ZIP. 
428 09-09-1994 141 Kb. 6
RexxVim: A VIM toolkit for REXX, allowing Rexx
to interact with any vendor Independent Message
compliant mail system. 
429 01-03-2003 114 Kb. 7
The  RxWav library  as functions that allow
to manipulate RIFF wave audio files, i.e. changi
ng volume level, applying filters, merging diffe
rent files, etc. Source is included(Jan 22 2003) 
430 07-10-1995 13 Kb. 7
This archive contains some REXX programs discuss
ed in "REXX Report, Summer 1995" (Miller & Freem
an, September '95) entitled "The Workplace Shell
: Objects to the Core", pp: 42-51. 

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