File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 32

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
311 10-04-1994 5 Kb. 9
VREXX shell for using PGP. Freeware. 
312 09-08-1996 30 Kb. 9
PGPREXX 1.2 is a package of seven REXX scripts
to give PGP functionality to mail programs. 
313 14-09-2002 3 Kb. 9
A REXX procedure to install PMDF support files(A
pr 28 1997) 
314 12-08-1994 203 Kb. 9
PMSW .EXE, .DLL REXX Function to test active
task or switch to task by name.  C source. FREE.
 Uploaded by local author Bruce Hogman.  
315 02-08-1995 29 Kb. 10
PMSysLev is a VX-REXX dialog that will locate
all SYSLEVEL information in your system and
display it in an OS/2 notebook format. 
316 03-03-1996 103 Kb. 10
(v1.2) PNP - Programmers Notepad for OS/2 and
Windows. March 1996 Conversion between decimal,
hexadecimal, octal and binary integers. ASCII
table. Mathematical, logical, binary operations. 
317 24-02-1996 12 Kb. 9
Programmers Notepad for OS/2. New version doesn'
t need runtime lib. Conversion between decimal,
hexadecimal, octal and binary integers. ASCII
table. Mathematical, logical, binary operations. 
318 ports.txt 11-02-1995 0 Kb. 45
Adds LPT1-9 to OS/2.  Text + REXX script. 
319 12-07-1994 26 Kb. 8
DB2 Code Postprocessor for VisPro REXX code.
Contains text docs and a REXX .CMD file which
will enhance the generated code produced by
the VisPro REXX (2.0-2.03) for DB2 applications.
320 21-02-1994 3 Kb. 7
REXX Preprocessor resolves include files 94/12/2
1. Will resolve #define (w/no macro expansion)
& #include statements to build REXX code. Suppor
ts 'ifdef' & 'ifndef' for conditional "compilati
on/inclusion" written in REXX. 

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