File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 30

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
291 25-07-1996 2 Kb. 9
Object Directory Changer V1.0.0. REXX Utility
allows you to drag & drop any object on the
desktop on to it, opening a command prompt windo
w and automatically changing into the drive
and directory for the object. FREEWARE. 
292 04-03-1995 10 Kb. 9
For OS/2 users who execute Vx-Rexx prog.  This
prog. will display your current version of VROBJ
293 15-07-1996 2063 Kb. 9
OS/2 Version of Object Rexx, installable for
Warp also. 
294 29-06-1999 4 Kb. 11
Listbox/menu object in OREXX. 
295 open.cmd 30-12-1994 2 Kb. 68
Open WPS Objects from the command line. 
296 13-10-1993 4 Kb. 10
Open folders from a popup menu (req. REXX &
297 27-07-1995 53 Kb. 9
Oracle REXX Interface DLL [pre-release] 95/07/27
. Sample programs, online doc, & readme for
the Oracle REXX Interface for OS/2. See readme.t
xt for install info. Note that a v7.1 client-sid
e installation is necessary before using this
298 19-06-2002 2120 Kb. 9
The ObjectREXX for OS/2 Warp. The installation
overwrites classic REXX!(1998) 
299 03-05-1998 43 Kb. 9
ORexx/SQL Object Framework. Set of ORexx classes
which encapsulate Mark Hessling's Rexx/SQL inter
face to SQL databases. The Rexx/SQL interface
provides cross platform (OS/2, UNIX, Win 95/NT),
RDBMS independent access to SQL dbs. Freeware. 
300 21-07-1997 133 Kb. 11
Object REXX program to analyze Object REXX progr

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