Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
221 | | 11-06-1996 | 9 Kb. | 8 | REXX command file to delete all files older than a specified date from a subdirectory. Versi on 1. Also contains date manipulation routines in rexx. |
222 | | 14-03-1998 | 60 Kb. | 10 | Command line calculator for complex numbers. |
223 | | 05-05-1998 | 1 Kb. | 10 | KILLTREE v98.125 Directory deletion program. This one's written in rexx and deletes read only files etc. |
224 | | 07-09-1999 | 329 Kb. | 10 | REXX Command Line Calculator |
225 | | 17-05-1991 | 6 Kb. | 9 | REXX Procedure to generate COBOL Record Layouts from OS/2 EE Database tables. |
226 | | 07-05-1994 | 372 Kb. | 10 | Db2/2 Export Tables, Fields, Foreign keys, index es, then import same to other machine or rename existing DB. Written in VXREXX 2.0. |
227 | | 12-01-1996 | 7 Kb. | 9 | Jan 96 The REXX Column - LISTCFG.CMD. Will creat e a formatted .TXT file from CONFIG.SYS This progam is intended as an accompaniment to the REXX Column in the January, 1996 issue of OS/2 Magazine. |
228 | | 25-10-1994 | 98 Kb. | 10 | LISTDLL.CMD is an OS/2 REXX program which will build an ASCII file containing a listing of any DLL conflicts found in LIBPATH in CONFIG.SYS as well as creating a sorted list of all "addres sable" DLLs by DLL name. |
229 | | 01-04-1995 | 107 Kb. | 11 | REXX Prg. to Bld List of Ext. Attributes 95/04/0 2. OS/2 REXX program which builds ASCII file, LISTEA.TXT, containing text listing of all the EAs (in hex & character notation) for all local drive dir's & files in object system. |
230 | | 25-12-1994 | 15 Kb. | 9 | REXX Prog to Bld Ascii file from INI files 94/12 . OS/2 REXX program which will build an ASCII file containing a text listing of all of the application and key name - pair values contained in any .INI file (in both hex and character notation) |