File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 21

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
201 07-06-1998 4 Kb. 9
IMGINFO v98.158 Small rexx program processes
.GIF and .JPG files either by dropping files
or directories onto the icon it installs or
via the command line.  
202 30-06-1995 410 Kb. 10
Graphic Image Object for VX-REXX. Read, write,
& display graphic images. Object supports .BMP,
.GIF, .PCX, .TGA, .TIF, & other popular file
formats. Available from VX-REXX toolbar. Unzip
extracting dir's. Example, PKUNZIP -d IMAGEOBJ.Z
203 27-03-2003 11 Kb. 9
IMAGHTML.CMD - a REXX program to build an HTML
catalog of all the GIF, PNG, and JPG files in
a directory as update Prog level 2.x.9 (Nov
1 2001) 
204 11-09-1991 6 Kb. 11
Sample REXX Code Showing Import/Export of DBM/QM
. 4 sample REXX programs that automate the impor
ting and exporting of tables and QM objects.
Also contains doc file for converting the codepa
ge of an existing database using these routines. 
205 02-01-2000 4 Kb. 11
Formats OS/2 REXX command files to indent Do
/ End structures. 
206 13-07-2003 30 Kb. 9
INETLOG v7.5 - A REXX Program to extract and
total daily and monthly time-ons by analyzing
the Internet Dialer log or the InJoy dialer
log -  Analyzes IGN dialer.log or ipdialer.log
and produces monthly summaries of usage. (Sep
15 2001) 
207 07-08-2002 41 Kb. 11
A REXX procedure of a net trace showing the
MBUF characteristics (Jun 2002) 
208 04-08-1999 8 Kb. 10
InfoColl, REXX script. Provides an easy way
to collect references to every HLP and INF file
on a system in a central repository. 
209 21-10-1991 66 Kb. 10
REXX & DLG MGR Example Freeware. Source included
. Shows HELP, MSG Popup, Grayed choices, etc.
If you don't have DM runtime (it's shipped with
the toolkit) Download INIT_D.ZIP instead. It
has all this plus DM runtime FREE! 
210 21-10-1991 231 Kb. 10
REXX & DLG MGR Example Freeware w/ DM RUNTIME.
Source included. Shows HELP, MSG Popup, Grayed
choices, etc. Download this file if you DO NOT
have the Dialog Manager Runtime (it is shipped
on the Toolkit disks). Otherwise D/L INIT_A.ZIP. 

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