File index of OS2SWBBS: Productivity Programs page 17

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
161 15-07-2002 1757 Kb. 9
Documentation: The Visualizer Development for
OS/2 with Introduction, User Guide, Reference,
Messages, and Extras (1994) 
162 16-07-2002 316 Kb. 10
The Visualizer Interface to Lotus Notes. The
Visualizer Query for OS/2 and Lotus Notes are
required (May, 9th 1996) 
163 15-07-2002 1001 Kb. 9
Documentation: The Visualizer Query for OS/2,
a workstation query and presentation tool for
SQL database users (Jul., 15th 1994) 
164 15-07-2002 8659 Kb. 10
The Visualizer Query for OS/2 - A multifunctiona
l application for accessing the SQL database
(Jul.,15th 1994) 
165 15-07-2002 3740 Kb. 10
The Visualizer Development for OS/2 on Workstati
on, LAN Server and LAN Requester (1994) 
166 01-12-1989 179 Kb. 11
OS/2 An OS/2 data base program.  Wilkes Database
3.0, a character-mode shareware database program
for OS/2. 
167 07-06-1992 64 Kb. 8
Fixes Keyboard problems of Word for os/2 (os/2
2.0 compat.) 
168 11-01-1991 46 Kb. 8
Replacement DLL for Word for PM to be used with
intitial release (11/2/90) of IBM OS/2 1.3.
 Supposedly compensates for a bug in 1.3 
169 wordpro.txt 12-10-1996 4 Kb. 122
Intstructions in asci for Lotus WordPro 1996
for OS/2's 6 exe files,...wordpro1(-6), full
featured deno.  
170 10-10-1996 22560 Kb. 10
/bt Pre-release beta of Lotus WordPro for OS/2.
Requires Warp 3.0 plus special Lotus-only Fixpac
k 23 (for pre-Warp 4 systems). For installation
(Free Download) 

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