File index of OS2SWBBS: Printer Utilities page 11

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
101 13-03-1996 97 Kb. 11
Basic ASCII text printing program, designed
for programmers' listings. 
102 01-04-1997 8 Kb. 10
Printer device monitor that allows GhostScript
to be used as the back end of a PostScript PM
print queue. 
103 14-11-1991 39 Kb. 10
Full Print Screen function with source code. 
104 20-12-1989 20 Kb. 11
A print-screen utility -- without docs.  A print
-screen utility -- but without any documentation
!  This one is currently untested, so good luck.
105 16-11-2000 8042 Kb. 11
MVOS3XDE.EXE - Print Server Utility v3.18.99.16
for Lexmark printers for OS/2 WARP 3.0 with
FP26+ or WARP 4.X 
106 14-03-1989 10 Kb. 11
Monitor to solve the PM printer driver prob 
107 prndrv.exe 09-12-1999 75 Kb. 18
PrnDrv is a utility to install or deinstall
printer drivers on OS/2. It provides usage infor
mation if executed with no parameters.  
108 17-07-1992 27 Kb. 11
This 32-bit program demonstrates printing text
to the default printer under OS/2 2.0. It will
conditionally use Dev or Spl calls to do the
109 08-07-1991 23 Kb. 11
Revised Print Calendar program from Petzold
to include day names. MS c6.0 and OS/2 1.30.1
compatable...includes source code.  
110 10-11-1992 3 Kb. 11
A CMD file that allows you to print text on
a PostScript printer. The command format is
as follows : PRINTPS [FILENAME] Where the filena
me is the name of the file you want to print.
Edit PRINTPS.CMD to change printing settings. 

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