File index of OS2SWBBS: Printer Device Drivers & Info page 6

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 01-06-1995 169 Kb. 11
173629  06-01-95  OS/2 Warp IBM 52xx printer
driver v1.289 
52 04-10-1995 872 Kb. 12
OS/2 IBMPCL3 driver ver 2.218. 
53 ibmpcl5.exe 11-01-1999 922 Kb. 20
v2.536a of the PCL5 driver for IBM and Lexmark
laser printers. 
54 04-07-2002 1524 Kb. 13
The 32bit IBM PCL5 printer driver for OS/2 2.1+
and WIN-OS/2. Services IBM 2029 and 4039 series,
Lexmark 4039,4047,C720,C750,C910,E3xx, Optra
series, T5xx,T6xx,W820(Oct., 4th 2001) 
55 27-09-1996 1255 Kb. 12
Network printer driver for HP JetDirect printers
56 28-10-1993 205 Kb. 10
Hewlett Packard JetDirect for OS/2. 
57 18-11-1992 405 Kb. 12
HP LJ4 Win 3.0 Driver (Works with Win-OS/2) 
58 laserjet.exe 29-12-1997 868 Kb. 19
New HP LaserJet driver (32-bit). 
59 14-04-2001 1126 Kb. 11
LASERJETEN.EXE - A collection of laserjet printe
r drivers(Apr. 11th, 2001) 
60 lbpcap.exe 02-10-1992 212 Kb. 19
Canon OS/2 LBP8 printer driver version 2.1.
A European Beta Version of an OS/2 driver which
supports the Canon LBP-8II, LBP-8III, and LBP-4

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