File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Application Programs page 10

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
91 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
Voicemail/Fax/Modem demo software
92 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
 Dial phone by double clicking recei 
93 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
er v1.0 - Demo Version. Loader autom
ds user & network resource data
ver domains to the HODstar Common
th multi-platform DB2 & the internal
base). Requires HODstar Supporter. 
94 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
construction and simulation of digit 
95 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
1G Demo.  Crippled to allow only
e to be transferred, no directories.
e limited to 1.2 MB. 
96 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
r LANs demo.  Crippled to allow
e file to be transferred, no directo
version only.  Uses 
97 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
 PC via emails. 
98 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
er v1.23 - Desktop publishing with
ns(May 2000) 
99 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
 and handwriting recognition program
ses Neural Network. 
100 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
 position on Digital Line Graph 

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