File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Application Programs page 4

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File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Application Programs page 4 at Phoenix BBS

File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Application Programs page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 cartoon3.gif 16-08-1995 68 Kb. 100
Windows 95 -- It's Here!  (The Emperor's New
Clothes bitmap from Indelible Blue)  Suitable
for desktop background or framing.  :-) 
32 19-02-1992 55 Kb. 13
Demo program for voice processing application
generator. This program shows how a non-programm
er can create audiotext application for simple
information retrieval or interactive voice respo
nse for accessing database information.
 for voice processing application
his program shows how a non-programm
e audiotext application for simple
retrieval or interactive voice respo
ssing database information. 
33 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
 Catalog Builder v1.00 provides
ith an easy and inexpensive way
catalog on disk for distribution
2 and Windows customers. 
34 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
 Cirrus Unite-CD recorder software.
unctional demo that is limited to
data or 11 min of music. If nothing
n use this to map the WORM device
 cd reader. 
35 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
ing software uses an IFS to make
der also act like a WORM drive.
 CD formats. Can multitask a write
ork. Fully integrated with the Workp
 30-day limit/trialware. 
36 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
CNFGINFO.EXE. Some bug fixes, new
 and some general fix up work. 
37 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
 CoolFM to support the WinTV card 
38 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
elephone Book) application for OS/2
p shows some of the uses of a custom
all procedure. The Client ID applica
few simple "Applets" and an Install
itten with the DIPWriter workplace. 
39 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
ngine for X10 CM17A FireCracker 
40 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
eview (v1 Beta14) addressmanager
for OS/2 and ECS(Oct 12 2002) 

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