File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Application Programs page 19

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
181 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
n: The IBM TranslationManager v2.5
182 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
n: The IBM TranslationManager v2.5
iew(Feb 26 1998) 
183 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
.2 - A basic tutorial course for
 DOS in 21 interactive lessons.This
184 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
development package for creating
-art tutorials using patent-pending
h as "show-me" animation and "stop-m
monitoring.  Creates non-simulation
185 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
yer v1.10 (April 2000). 
186 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
lpha 2 - The Easy TWAIN demo. Includ
LL. A Win-OS/2 application(Jul 17 
187 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
for OS/2 v1.2 - Monitor the status
ninterruptible Power Sources (UPS).
shutdown services to the operating
 scheduled shutdown and restart
s provided by UPS model(May 2001) 
188 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
for OS/2, v1.1a. Monitor the status
ninterruptible Power Sources (UPS).
shutdown services to the operating
 scheduled shutdown and restart
s provided by UPS model. 
189 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
auppauge. Updated 24 May 2000 
190 31-12-1969 0 Kb. 0
hain V1.1 for HOUSE/2 or HOUSE/290. 

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