File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Programs & Information page 6

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 aptdes.txt 22-07-1996 3 Kb. 115
Text information on APTWARP2.EXE 
52 aptwarp2.exe 22-07-1996 596 Kb. 29
OS/2 Warp Install Asst. Kit for Aptiva 
53 22-04-1990 14 Kb. 6
Animated aquarium (requires ANIMATE4.ZIP) 
54 05-05-1998 74 Kb. 7
Artware Year 2000 Survival Kit Rev. 0003. Unzip
with the "-d" option!  This archive contains
bug fixes for the Year 2000 problems of TimEd
1.10 and NetMgr 1.10. New:  More bugs fixed,
patches for all platforms, automatic install
55 12-01-1993 8 Kb. 5
ASCII SQL COMMANDS from a batch file. Source
and exe (with out the DLLs) to read a ascii
sql file and execute the command. (only good
for creating tables or doing things that do
not require a response). 
56 17-05-1993 2 Kb. 6
Contains the ASCII to SQL database conversion
code that was listed in the "Network Plotting
Formation: The LAN NetView Start Objects" articl
e in the Spring 1993 issue of the OS/2 Developer
57 03-01-2001 60 Kb. 9
A LAN utility to read the permanent node name,
table of local names, maximum data packet size,
Network Control Block(NBC), packet transfer
and receive and similar details. 
58 28-01-1991 71 Kb. 7
An async/netbeui communications driver for Lan
Man servers. Allows remote async sessions that
use net beui and named pipes 
59 22-10-1999 5 Kb. 8
Converts 'trusers' to 'tcpnbk.lst' incl. crypted
60 01-02-1993 12 Kb. 7
IBM EWS AUTODISP provdies a graphical display
of the APPN resouces as bar charts on a percenti
le scale. 

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