File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Programs & Information

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 05l1491.exe 11-11-1997 713 Kb. 15
Netfinity Server Options - Service Processor
Manager for OS/2 and NetWare installation disket
te version 2.00. 
2 05l1491.txt 11-11-1997 2 Kb. 69
Readme for 05L1491.EXE. 
3 19-08-1993 56 Kb. 6
LNM 1.0 Age out utility. 
4 26-08-1993 26 Kb. 6
ROM code for Adaptec 1542c SCSI card (and other
154xC cards) dated 8/26/93. 
5 2001utl1.exe 15-02-1993 497 Kb. 15
Utility diskette 1 of 3 for systems preloaded
with OS/2 2.00.1.  See UTILITY.ZIP for details. 
6 2001utl2.exe 15-02-1993 600 Kb. 13
Utility diskette 2 of 3 for systems preloaded
with OS/2 2.00.1.  See UTILITY.ZIP for details. 
7 2001utl3.exe 15-02-1993 481 Kb. 15
Utility diskette 3 of 3 for systems preloaded
with OS/2 2.00.1.  See UTILITY.ZIP for details. 
8 24-09-1994 725 Kb. 5
Install OS/2 2.11 from B: 3.5.  Requires LOADDF.
9 24-09-1994 515 Kb. 5
Install OS/2 2.11 from B: 3.5.  Requires LOADDF.
10 30-09-1993 2169 Kb. 5
2.1 Demo CD-ROM kicker diskettes. 

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