File index of OS2SWBBS: Multimedia Programs page 16

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
151 19-03-1993 13 Kb. 7
A simple digital audio player for MMPM/2. Takes
.WAV file name from stdin, prints it, and plays
the .WAV file. 
152 28-02-2002 410 Kb. 8
The Multimedia Application Programming Guide(Aug
ust 1996) 
153 19-07-2002 1457 Kb. 8
MMCDDA - The CD-DA Digital Transmit-Multimedia
I/O Extender to play wave files directly on
the desktop (Oct 26 2000) 
154 25-10-1997 4 Kb. 10
Document that describes the format of the OS/2
MultiMedia CD Player's CD database. 
155 20-09-2002 48 Kb. 8
MMCONV1 - A multifunctional converter for 25
multimedia formats with very rare format options
(Sep 24 1996) 
156 12-08-2002 153 Kb. 6
MMEffect - The Digital Wave Effect Multimedia
I/O Extender as shareware(May 17 2001) 
157 24-07-1997 160 Kb. 9
MMIOPNG v0.7 is an extension to Warp Multimedia
Subsystem, in this version only reading PNG
files is supported. 
158 31-07-1995 76 Kb. 9
MiniMixer 2.0 for the Pas16.  Shareware mixer
app. for OS/2 and Pas16.  Vastly improved over
previous versions. The wait is over! 
159 19-04-1996 109 Kb. 8
MM Player using Multimedia Extenions MMPM. 
Scans selected drives, searches for files within
the given filter. All found files added to a
container. Then select a list of files and play
160 01-05-2002 30 Kb. 8
MMPMTOOL.EXE - A tool to read and modify MMPMMMI
O.INI. The source with GCC30S.DLL is included
(Mar., 2nd 2002) 

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