File index of OS2SWBBS: Java Programs & Info page 7

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
61 22-06-1998 221 Kb. 10
Java program to check incoming mail. 
62 11-01-1997 182 Kb. 8
JavaFTP v1.8 is a full-featured FTP client writt
en entirely in Java. 
63 24-04-2003 125 Kb. 10
Some GIF files of the IBM Java SE v1.3.1(Aug
31 2002) 
64 05-06-1998 7497 Kb. 8
Java 1.1.6 Runtime without Unifont support.
GA release of IBM OS/2 Java 1.1.6. ime modules,
and does NOT contain the Unifont files. This
files requires Netscape 2.02 to be installed,
and utlizes the IBM Feature Installer v1.22
or later. 
65 javaos2.exe 10-03-1997 4174 Kb. 25
Javaos2 from Execute the
program in an empty directory, then type "instal
66 06-04-1997 269 Kb. 9
Java 1.0.2 API docs (.INF format). 
67 30-11-1997 4 Kb. 9
Copy Java114 OS/2 install package files to the
correct name. 
68 javasamp.txt 30-11-1996 2 Kb. 89
Contents of Javasamp.ZIP Package. 
69 22-11-1996 27 Kb. 10
Java Alive! 1/97 issue of OS/2 Magazine. 
70 24-04-2003 1 Kb. 10
The "master security properties file" to set
various security properties for use by java.secu
rity classes for Java v1.3.1 (Apr 24 2002) 

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