File index of OS2SWBBS: Java Programs & Info page 13

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
121 27-04-2003 26 Kb. 7
Samples how to use Java-JNI with GCC as a possib
le port to OS/2(1999) 
122 17-02-2003 1993 Kb. 7
Sample Java routines for data transfer with
the internet (Sep 26 2002) 
123 27-04-2003 611 Kb. 8
Sample java programming for JDBC(Oct 10 2002) 
124 samples.exe 09-12-1997 2064 Kb. 32
java 1.1.4 samples  
125 28-02-2002 253 Kb. 8
Java program, proxy for anonymous browsing,
block banner ads, selectively block cookies,
fake browser, etc. 
126 01-12-2002 29 Kb. 6
A java applet for scrolling a text(Sep 17 2001) 
127 26-02-1997 25 Kb. 7
Java executable which copies entire web sites
to local HD. 
128 27-02-1998 38 Kb. 8
Simple Java smtp class 
129 04-05-1999 18 Kb. 9
JSSEARCH v99.067. "octal" fix. JavaScript based
Client Side Site Search Engine. The html is
generated as per your specifications. 
130 01-12-1996 563 Kb. 7
$Sheriff JAVA applet shoot-'em-up game. Freeware
. Run ssj.html under the applet.exe program
in javaos2.  

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