File index of OS2SWBBS: Java Programs & Info page 11

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
101 04-03-1997 2 Kb. 9
Java WorkShop startup script. 
102 02-11-1998 254 Kb. 8
POP3, SMTP and NNTP server, in Java. 
103 13-07-2003 185 Kb. 8
A java log analyzer - This log analyzer reads
a given http log and counts how many requests
come from a browser or search robot. Source
is included. Java 1.4 is required(Mar 14 2003) 
104 07-04-2001 3994 Kb. 9
Magician v1.1.0 - A Java class platform to creat
e 3D applications using OpenGL API(1999) 
105 09-03-1999 2308 Kb. 9
Java database suite 
106 17-02-1997 14 Kb. 9
Microballs java is a small Minesweeper looking
game. Run the microball.class file in a Java
VM to start it up. There is a support page at: 
107 06-08-1999 1789 Kb. 9
Moneydance v2.0.3. The first personal finance
manager ever written completely in Java. (Requir
es JVM Java Virtual Machine v1.1.7 or higher). 
108 01-03-2003 46 Kb. 9
Sample routines in java as MQ AO Adapter for
MQSeries Revision 2.1(Dec 19 2002) 
109 23-07-1999 6 Kb. 9
Load the JVM and keep it there! Shorter javac
times! This is a client/server pair that loads
and keeps the JVM in memory (server) and compile
s netrexx jobs via the client portion from the
command line. 
110 30-06-2002 1102 Kb. 9
NS java classes as applet, debug, fonts, jmc,
ldap, net, tools, constructor, jsdebug, applicat
ion, javascript, plugin, security, utils (Apr.,
25th 2002) 

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