File index of OS2SWBBS: Internet (TCP/IP & Comm) page 95

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
941 17-03-1996 42 Kb. 0
SortWebEx2 96/03/17. Corrected upload of SortWeb
Ex2, which sorts the URLs in a WebExplorer initi
alization file (EXPLORE.INI) into alphabetical
order by title. 
942 17-08-1993 13 Kb. 0
SOUP - Simple Offline UseNet Packet format for
offline reading of UseNet Newsgroups. This descr
ibes the format itself.  
943 04-03-1995 49 Kb. 1
Convert SOUP packets to Squish Msgbase format. 
944 18-05-1996 169 Kb. 1
Souper 1.5 is a network mail and news client
program for OS/2 Warp's Internet Access Kit.
It transfers mail and news (Win95 too). 
945 12-03-1999 357 Kb. 2
SoupGate v1.03 
946 24-01-1996 4 Kb. 1
Easy Install Guide v0.02 for SOUPER and YARN/2. 
947 12-06-2003 432 Kb. 1
SoX v12.17 as source deck(Dec 5 2000) 
948 26-10-1996 86 Kb. 1
SPAM 0.20 -- Finds originating domain of spam
messages and returns message to postmaster.
Automatically places mail in SOUPER packet.
Output usable with other mail software. Freeware
949 17-04-1998 6 Kb. 1
REXX routine to upload files in a directory
tree with the archive bit set to an FTP site.
 Requires IBM EWS rexx FTP module "rxftp". 
950 25-09-1996 54 Kb. 1
SpiderMan, web page retriever. 

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