File index of OS2SWBBS: Internet (TCP/IP & Comm) page 84

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
831 10-06-1996 187 Kb. 2
Radius Port for Terminal Server Authorization.
 RADIUS: "Remote Authentication Dial In User
832 29-03-1997 31 Kb. 2
ReDirectTelnet/2 V0.50 - A small, 32-bit, multi-
threaded program to redirect telnet calls over
any TCPIP network. 
833 readme.ppp 08-05-1995 2 Kb. 26
Readme for PPP01.ZIP 
834 12-06-1998 5 Kb. 2
HTML form processor. 
835 18-12-1994 43 Kb. 2
Read summary reports created by uqwk. (rexx) 
836 06-01-1997 33 Kb. 1
HTTP Redirector V1.0 - Small, multi-threaded,
command line utility which allows you to re-dire
ct your http port to another. 
837 10-05-1999 81 Kb. 2
Ver 2.0. Redirect local TCP/IP ports to another
port on a local or remote system. 
838 04-05-1998 38 Kb. 2
RenHTML - rename HTML files to their titles 
839 15-08-1995 21 Kb. 2
Command-Line FTP Utility 95/08/15. REXX program
to perform FTP file transfers between PC & remot
e host. Requires REXX FTP API package supplied
w/ IBM TCP/IP V2.0 for OS/2 & OS/2 Warp Connect.
Unzip with Info-Zip's unzip.exe. 
840 06-11-1992 94 Kb. 1
An OS/2 command that allows the user to Download
, Upload, Delete files, and obtain Directory
listings from a remote host. It is based on
TCPIP and is compatable with TCPIP for MVS. 

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