File index of OS2SWBBS: Internet (TCP/IP & Comm) page 116

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1151 28-07-1998 270 Kb. 0
WebNav 2.1 Beta 1 - Web Browser for OS/2. 
1152 31-05-1997 258 Kb. 0
WebOrg v02.00.00ga - organize netscape & webexpl
orer bookmarks 
1153 19-10-1996 216 Kb. 0
Web Slider beta v0.22 - make use of the WWW
to implement slideshows or other demonstration
1154 03-08-1996 270 Kb. 0
Websort v1.0 sorts WebExplorer's URL lists by
their Alias. 
1155 22-08-1996 270 Kb. 0
WebSort Version 1.01a. Sorts your WebExplorer
quicklist by alias in alphabetical  order. 
List can be modified, deleted, added; printed
in a report style listing. 
1156 30-08-2002 331 Kb. 0
The WebSphere Application Server v3.0 SE/AE
Performance Tuning Guide. GSView is required(4.
qu 1999) 
1157 01-03-2003 69 Kb. 0
The WebServices Review in WebSphere Enterprise
v5.0 (Oct 2002) 
1158 02-07-2002 53 Kb. 0
Configuration files for the Web Traffic Express
proxy server(Apr., 18th 2001) 
1159 11-04-1996 305 Kb. 0
WAV, MID player for WebExplorer. Simple, quick
OS/2 app that allows you to play, save and play
or just save any MMPM/2 audio file.  
1160 10-08-1997 1078 Kb. 0
WebWriter/2 v1.2 - HTML Editor for OS/2. Multith
readed design allows editing multiple documents
at once. Support for all HTML 2.0, ISO-Latin-1
chars, & much of HTML 3.0. 

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