File index of OS2SWBBS: Internet (TCP/IP & Comm) page 104

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1031 15-06-1997 22 Kb. 0
Small program to poll pop3 mail server for mail. 
1032 10-12-1998 52 Kb. 0
POP3 Maintenance tool. 
1033 12-03-1997 20 Kb. 0
TProxy ver. 1.2: an HTTP proxy server. 
1034 13-04-1995 30 Kb. 0
TCP/IP traceroute w/source. 
1035 transpac.cmd 10-04-1996 9 Kb. 23
PPP script FT-Connect CIS nodes. Login to Intern
et using CIS as provider via local FT-Connect
nodes in many European countries. Handles mode
switch between 7-bit even parity during logon
& 8-bit no parity during PPP by controlling
COM port. 
1036 11-09-1996 789 Kb. 0
This is an OS/2 version of the TRN 3.6 news
reader. It is based on Herbert Neugebauer's
TRN 3.5 for OS/2, with a few additional changes. 
1037 11-12-1993 745 Kb. 0
Threaded news reader for use with UUPC. 
1038 01-02-1995 987 Kb. 0
Port of trn 3.5 for NNTP and UUPC 
1039 02-02-1996 80 Kb. 0
Terminal Server V1.1b - OS/2 Dial-up PPP server.
New version works with front end mailers.  
1040 19-09-1997 44 Kb. 0
TSearch is a small www search engine entry field
for the desktop. 

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