File index of OS2SWBBS: Internet (TCP/IP & Comm) page 11

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
101 16-10-1995 160 Kb. 7
Changi patches to level v0.9N dated 10/95 -
NNTP server for OS/2. 
102 30-01-1997 444 Kb. 6
Patch for CHANGI10.ZIP.  Improves error messages
103 16-02-1994 1008 Kb. 6
Circle MUD 2.2 for OS/2 (req. IBM TCP/IP 2.0) 
104 28-05-1998 4 Kb. 6
Convert Compuserve addressbook to PMMAIL. 
105 14-04-1995 3 Kb. 7
This file contains 3 text files from Compuserve
on how to use OS/2 with their new PPP service
(req. OS/2 Warp Internet PPP).  
106 cisppp.txt 12-03-1998 18 Kb. 67
Configure PPP for CIS internet access (rev1216).
General step by step instructions for configurin
g the Dial Other Internet Provider dialer for
connecting to Compuserve's internet service.
Extensive help and problem resolution is include
107 01-06-2000 13 Kb. 7
CheckUrl 1.6.2 - parses HTML or text files,
checking if the url they contain are correct. 
108 03-12-1996 11 Kb. 7
Removes '>' and leading spaces from quoted encod
ed files. 
109 15-02-2001 28 Kb. 8
CNTRL.EXE - Control program. A fix for MPTS
v5.5 within IC27336(Jan.31th 2001) 
110 27-08-1995 16 Kb. 7
Animated Icons for WebExplorer, rotating colors
on a ball. 

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