File index of OS2SWBBS: Icons, Icons, Icons page 16

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
151 26-11-1998 1452 Kb. 6
OS/2 IconPak v1.0 Set of 1302 icons which ALL
contain 40x40-pixel-wide images. (Not all of
them contain 32x32 though.) Many of them contain
more than 16 colors.  
152 24-08-1998 3 Kb. 6
Six OS/2 format icons for ICQ. (32 x 32 x 4bit). 
153 id.ico 07-07-1994 3 Kb. 65
Id Software icon. An Icon for your Id games
154 13-02-1993 67 Kb. 7
Icons for OS/2. A collection of favorite icons
for OS/2, some self-made, others taken from
Macintosh, Windows, and other soruces.  Makes
the Workplace Shell seem slick. 
155 28-02-1999 35 Kb. 9
Katie Holmes icons. 
156 13-07-1996 3 Kb. 7
Here's an interesting variation of the standard
pointer set that I made late one night while
on IRC. Distribute and modify freely. 
157 22-04-1996 4 Kb. 8
Ladybug pointers for OS/2 
158 27-08-1995 4 Kb. 8
Lance Pointer for OS/2. 
159 21-10-1989 0 Kb. 8
An icon for Logicomm. 
160 list.ico 12-07-1992 3 Kb. 62
Icon for file viewer. Icons showing a magnifying
glass over a piece of printer output. This icon
can be used to represent a file viewer such
as LISTOS2. 

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