Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
1 | | 03-07-1992 | 333 Kb. | 11 | You guessed it - 1700 icons all in one package. Converted from Windows. |
2 | 256icons.lzh | 30-11-1994 | 120 Kb. | 93 | This file contains 256 WPS icons. It features icons for Word Perfect 6.00, the WINOS2 prompt, etc. |
3 | | 04-05-1993 | 40 Kb. | 11 | Collection of 256 color OS/2 icons: MLKing, a Cadillac, US Post service, TRowe symbol; Bill Clinton, etc. |
4 | | 11-09-1995 | 11 Kb. | 12 | These are more icons based on Eugene Chun's popular 3d icons that I created for myself. They contain long filenames, so unzip with |
5 | | 10-08-1992 | 1 Kb. | 10 | Typewriter, Telephone Pad, and Pacman icons |
6 | | 25-01-1996 | 257 Kb. | 12 | Some 40x40 OS/2 icons for those running the WPS in 1026x768. |
7 | 525flpy.ico | 15-03-1996 | 3 Kb. | 75 | 5-1/4" Floppy Icon. An icon created for 5 1/4" floppies. |
8 | | 05-06-1992 | 31 Kb. | 10 | Icons in 8514 (40x40) and VGA (16x16) formats. Many popular applications. |
9 | | 12-05-1994 | 28 Kb. | 11 | Icons (mostly books & folders) 8514 res. (some 256 color). |
10 | | 27-05-1994 | 21 Kb. | 11 | Some new 8514-res icons. |