File index of OS2SWBBS: Graphics Viewers, Editors, & Utils page 12

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
111 02-07-1998 601 Kb. 7
Process JPEG image files; _VERY_ LIMITED BETA. 
112 10-08-1995 69 Kb. 8
Adds JPEG support to OS/2 multimedia.  Enables
OS/2 MM apps to read JPEG (*.JPG) files.  This
includes IB.EXE, Light Tables, and FFC.EXE. 
113 16-01-1997 434 Kb. 9
JPEG Compress/Decompress. Quick port of the
UNIX CJPEG/DJPEG command-line utilities for
building JPEG images from GIF/PPM/TGA images
and vice-versa.  Complete source  code included.
 Free, as the source it was made from was free
114 29-04-2001 370 Kb. 9
A "drag and drop"-PM-interface v1.0 for OUTJPEG
feat. Scaling images, rotating images, configura
ble quality and compression type, batch processi
ng up to 10 000 files. Warp3 or higher, Rexx
is required(Apr. 14th 2001) 
115 22-08-1996 1093 Kb. 8
JView Pro Image Editor and viewer. Has painting
with a variety of brushes and substances. Advanc
ed color editing and over 20 special effects.
Supports batch conversions and slideshows. Succe
ssor to JoeView. 
116 12-05-1996 1079 Kb. 7
JView provides WPS integrated image viewing
capabilities including slide shows, batch conver
sions, drag and drop, etc. JView includes specia
l utilities to create images suitable for use
as lockup screens and desktop backgrounds. 
117 01-02-1998 24 Kb. 8
Command line tool to convert Kodak's DC120 .KDC
file format to standard .JPG format; includes
source code. 
118 01-02-1998 53 Kb. 8
Command line tool to convert Kodak compressed
.KDC files to .JPG, and the uncompressed .KDC
files to .BMP; includes source code. 
119 19-12-2000 672 Kb. 6
KVEC 2.56 for OS/2. Commandline utility for
converting raster graphics to vector graphics
and vice versa. Supported input formats: Tiff,
BMP, ART, GIF, WMF. Output formats: WMF, Postscr
ipt, DXF, HPGL, ART, BMP, Tiff. No instal req'd. 
120 24-12-1996 299 Kb. 8
This is a demo version of KVEC for LogoArt.
KVEC will vectorize any file in the BMP, TIF
or GIF formats to the ART-Format (vector). 

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