File index of OS2SWBBS: Graphics Viewers, Editors, & Utils page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
11 30-08-1996 42 Kb. 8
Bitdump for OS/2. Screen capture working with
with hot keys allowing you to shoot any window
either by selecting it, selecting an area or
using the default ones. 
12 19-05-2002 90 Kb. 9
BITMAP32 - A simple PM BMP viewer with the optio
n to play SLD files 
13 13-09-1989 26 Kb. 12
A bitmap viewer 
14 03-11-1994 50 Kb. 8
Freeware multi-file bitmap viewer with drag
and drop capabilities ver 1.2.  Requires VROBJ.D
LL.  Old ver was 
15 01-10-1995 54 Kb. 11
DPMS (Green) monitor screen saver. (req. emxrt.z
16 13-09-1999 177 Kb. 9
BlendGIF (ver 1.15) is a free, REXX application
that will create a multi-frame animated GIF
file from several single image GIF files. 
17 21-12-1999 226 Kb. 8
BluePaint v0.3 BETA, released December 27th,
1997.  Freeware paint and animation program
for OS/2. 
18 29-05-1995 124 Kb. 9
BMPMan/2 v.1.10 w/out VROBJ.DLL & off-line help.
Quick viewing of bitmaps by dir, ability to
assign bitmap as OS/2 desktop background, open
other bitmap editors, & fully Drag & Drop enable
d. On-line help is included. 
19 29-05-1995 208 Kb. 11
BMPMan/2 v1.10 bitmap viewer w/o VROBJ.DLL.
Quickly view directories of bitmaps, assign
bitmaps as the OS/2 background, open external
editors, and is fully Drag & Drop enabled! VROBJ
.DLL needed. 
20 09-02-1995 111 Kb. 9
BMP Viewer V1.3 95/02/09. Displays bit map pictu
res in a window. Works with OS/2 V2.1 & Warp.
Drag & Drop picture on the BMP Viewer window
to display. Drag & Drop files & folders to the
FileList list-box to build a list of files to

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