File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 42

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
411 04-10-1997 160 Kb. 10
TRIPLES v1.07 is a tetrislike game. 
412 25-04-1995 410 Kb. 8
TRITRIS 1.0 (3D Tetris)  95/04/24. Tritris 1.0
is a 3D version of the popular Tetris game.
This implementation has highscore tables and
different configurations. There are also version
s for Windows and NeXT around. Enjoy it. 
413 29-04-1993 52 Kb. 10
TrashMan V1.2 - OS/2 PM Game (Shareware) New
Save/Restore Options, etc.  
414 07-01-1994 738 Kb. 8
Pyramid Solitaire Card Game. Shareware 
415 09-05-1998 387 Kb. 10
Greg Ratajik's OS/2 Action Arcade game demo.
 TunnelWars is a side-scrolling shoot-em-up
that demonstrates a massively multi-threaded
game running on OS/2. Source code available
416 27-06-1995 0 Kb. 9
Automated gaming table manager, handles any
gaming table rollup, including multi-table die
rolling... includes AD&D Magic Item. 
417 14-11-1994 182 Kb. 8
PM Chess game - 3 difficulty levels  
418 14-06-1995 182 Kb. 9
This is the 3rd release version of UChess a
32 bit pentium optimized PM native mode chess
program.  Based on gnuchess 4pl73 with some
enhancements to gameplay/chess engine.  Notable
improvements vs gnuchess 
419 06-07-1994 125 Kb. 10
UGUESSIT Game V1.01, an interactive version
of the classic 'MasterMind' game where the user
has to guess 4 numbers.  UGUESSIT requires the
PDS package PDS.ZIP. 
420 07-11-1998 536 Kb. 10
Utummo v1.0a5 for OS/2 

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